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Guangxi Institute of Technology (2020)

Guangxi Institute of Technology (2020)

Project Data


Site Area:   1.500.000m2

Total GFA:   1.750.000m2

Location:   Guigang, China

Land Use:   Educational

Features:   Landscape-integrated building, public space and energy concept creating strong campus identity

Scope:   Master Plan Concept and Detailed Design Submission, Architectural Concept, SD and CD for new construction and retro-fit

Status:   In construction



Project Summary


The Master Plan aims at creating a convenient, unique and experimental environment to attract experts, professors and students to the new 25.000 student capacity Guangxi Institute of Technology. Strategically, the development aims at deriving its contemporary, modern soul from references to the traditional culture and stunning rural surroundings.

In the resulting concept, therefore, the central campus landscape plays the decisive element as a space for professional interaction, public encounter and social exchange. All multi-functional and public buildings are integrated into a sponge-city-driven park which comes to live like an animated Chinese landscape painting as a city-wide attraction - with the top of the iconic Library Building as a public observation deck. The Campus Park further extends to include an F&B Village embedded in the landscape and bordered by natural waterways.

Surrounding the main park are the four Colleges with short distance links to all main university functions as well as dorms. Additional areas include a Hi-Tech Hub, International Communication Center and Hotel as well as additional accommodation / dwellings.

All sustainability aspects of the master plan development - water management, operation costs (especially for cooling), energy consumption and interior thermal comfort, later adaptability and change of use, exterior usage and comfort - have all been considered as integral parts of the design.

For all College Buildings - already under construction when SoftGrid started this project - a retro-fit strategy for the facade and building envelope was developed aiming at dramatically raising thermal and user comfort by redefining the thermal envelope, optimizing A/V ratio and as a result considerably lowering operation costs for the HVAV system as a whole.


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