Zidong Apartments (2023, ongoing)
Project Data
Total GFA: 16.000m2
Location: Changzhou, China
Function: Residential
Standard: DGNB Silver (in plannig)
Features: Sustainable DGNB-certified Apartments for German Industry Park
Scope: Sustainability Consulting for DGNB Certification
Status: In construction
Project Summary
In close proximity to the Changzhou Sino-German Industry Park, the project aims to provide highly comfortable and sustainable apartments for nearby businesses.
Linking into a growing demand for high quality, eco-friendly and healthy places to rent, the project looks at various scenarios for obtaining a DGNB certification by the German Sustainable Building Council. Optimizing the quality and performance of the building was the Client's primary concern, especially in regard to comfort and cost.
The resulting integrated DGNB Pre-Assessment and design optimization study focused on:
- Reducing Carbon Footprint and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment)
- Reducing Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) and upfront investment (especially in comparison to a previously 3rd-party developed Passive House design, discarded by Client for economic reasons)
- creating a flexible, adaptable and upgradeable MEP system
- providing a safe and highly comfortable apartment
- providing a safe and socially integrative interior and exterior environment