Our Mission

Meeting China 2060 targets while
creating immediate added value

Our Holistic approach
EU 2050 and China 2060 climate targets set challenging frameworks for businesses and municipalities. With our parametric, holistic approach, we do not simply follow CO2 targets blindly, but systematically develop synergies to economic performance, functional environment and future adaptability.
Your individual CO2 Roadmap
The base on which we make this promise is our CO2 Roadmap, geared at new construction and retro-fit projects to be constructed, operated and certified CO2-neutral and climate positive. This Roadmap is not a simple checklist, but a parametric matrix identifying project-specific opportunities, guaranteeing project-specific qualities and KPIs are identified and met.
Our Experience
SoftGrid has more than 10 years of first-hand experience with sustainable design in China. This includes a number of Asia and China "Firsts".
Our Asia and China "Firsts"
About SoftGrid

SoftGrid is a German-Chinese design and consulting firm founded in 2008. Our reputation is built on Integrated Design – a holistic approach to high quality design and project management from concept to completed construction. Our services bring together aspects from architectural design, urbanity, energy and software solutions and include four key areas of expertise:
Architectural Design
Projects include mixed-use, office, residential, cultural and educational, sports and hospitality facilities - both as new construction and retro-fit projects
Urban Design
Projects include new city district developments, strategic and regulatory planning and urban retro-fitting on various scales
Sustainability Consulting
Offers comfort, durability and quality optimization in any construction project - from cost-neutral performance optimization to formal certification by German DGNB and Passive House standards
General Planning + PLUS
Combines our long technical and project management expertise and offers clients a start-to-finish one-stop consulting solution
Network Philosophy
"Best of both Worlds"
SoftGrid provides Integrated Design within a highly professional consulting setup: All aspects of Architecture, Urban Design and Sustainability Consulting are provided in-house while we have a series of Chinese and overseas expert network partners to cover additional specialized disciplines.
Our success story is based on combining the professional passion, innovation and flexibility of a studio business - a long-standing German tradition in the construction market - with our extensive knowledge of how corporate companies operate. This approach provides our clients with much faster, more efficient and comprehensive consulting expertise tailored around highly adaptable design, construction and management processes - developed, tested and successfully applied in various projects across China.
Our Clients
Reflecting a European background, consulting philosophy and design methodology paired with more than 15 years of experience in the Chinese construction market, SoftGrid is a trusted consultant by global companies like BASF, Disney and VW as well as a large array of mainland China property developers and communal governments.

SoftGrid Europe
SoftGrid operates within China and Europe. We could experience China’s economic and technological rise first hand within the last decade. This lead to an increasingly complex approach to Integrated Design as a multinational and multicultural endeavor. SoftGrid set up a bridgehead in China for technology transfer from Germany in the field of sustainable construction in strategic partnership with BASF’s consulting subsidiary Luwoge Consult GmbH in 2013.
Today, the bridge sees traffic heading both ways and we use multiple synergies between the two markets regarding efficiency, expertise, technology, cost and culture within a constant exchange. This exchange is deliberately created as an innovation cycle, which feeds back experience and opportunities from one project into the next, both for ourselves, our network partners and our clients. By abstracting lessons learned from implemented projects we are able to scale, generalize and replicate processes, systems and strategies.

Extensive expertise and professional networks in both markets
Extensive knowledge of local regulations, conventions and expectations
Sensitivity in cultural interaction for efficient project progress
Pro-active use of local synergies in the planning process
Internal alignment of technical and management processes between teams in the EU and China
Strategic and technical "face-to-face" communication with client at both bridgeheads on site
China - EU Innovation Cycle
When looking at the 11 worldwide mega-trends, we have no choice but to innovate. What these mega-trends mean in Europe and China and how responses need to differ, we have explored and exemplified in great detail in a series of interactive workshops. With even just a few mega-trends taken seriously, we can see how the main task in front of us is much bigger than climate change and energy savings alone. It is how to design buildings and districts as smart, flexible and comfortable systems that address use of resources, connectivity and digitization, the changes to social family structure and live-work patterns within the framework of increasing urbanization. Sustainability, then, is the interconnected integration of all these aspects.
As a result, we operate projects in a truly “open” fashion. Far beyond the classic realm of General Planning - understood as the synthesis of architecture, MEP and structure - we look into, welcome and include each and every aspect that helps building a better everyday environment that stands the test of time. Therefore, we are looking into new system components, new materials, new ways of balancing and exchanging energy, new strategies of sharing space and functions – no matter if within a building, cluster or district design process.